Recent Books on Syriac Topics (1999-2001) Sebastian P. Brock University of Oxford Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute George A. Kiraz James E. Walters TEI XML encoding by html2TEI.xsl Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute 2002 Vol. 5, No. 1 For this publication, a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license has been granted by the author(s), who retain full copyright. Sebastian P. BROCK Recent Books on Syriac Topics (1999-2001) Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, 2002 vol 5 issue 1 Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Syriac tradition, published semi-annually (in January and July) by Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute. Published since 1998, Hugoye seeks to offer the best scholarship available in the field of Syriac studies. Syriac Studies Bibliography File created by XSLT transformation of original HTML encoded article. [1] 1999 Baum, W.:  Die Verwandlungen des Mythos vom Reich des Priesterkönigs Johannes.  Rom, Byzanz und die Christen des Orients im Mittelalter (Klagenfurt:  Kitab). Beth Shmuel, Robin:  Bukhra da-Tbi`atha (Baghdad:  the author, PO Box 20925).  [On Syriac printing in Iraq and on Zahrire d-Bahra]. Buck, C.:  Paradise and Paradigm.  Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Baha’i Faith (Albany:  State University of New York Press). Ferrer I Costa, J., and Nogueras, M.A:  Breve diccionario siríaca:  siríaco-castellano-catalán (Estudios de Filología Semítica 1;  Barcelona:  University of Barcelona). Ferrer I Costa, J., and Nogueras, M.A:  Manual de gramática siríaca (Estudios de Filología Semítica 2;  Barcelona:  University of Barcelona). Galbiati, E. (Introduction):  Messale della Divina Liturgia della Chiesa Siro-Ortodossa di Antiochia (Milan:  Gruppo Amici di Tur Abdin). Naby, E., and Hopper, M. (eds):  The Assyrian Experience:   Sources for the Study of the 19th and 20th Centuries from the Holdings of the Harvard University Library (Cambrdige MA). Nordiguian, L., and Voisin, J-C:   Chateaux et églises du Moyen Âge au Liban (Beirut: Terre du Liban/Trans Orient). Starowieyski, M.:  Slownik Wczesnochrzescijanskiego Pismiennictwa Wschodu: Literatury arabska, armenska, etiopska, gruzinska, koptyjska, syryjska (Warsaw:  Instytut Wydawniczy Pax).  [Dictionary of main authors in Oriental Christian literatures, with bibliographies]. Tardy, R.:  Najran.  Chrétiens d’Arabie avant l’Islam (Recherches.  B Orient Chrétien;  Beirut:  Dar el Machreq). Weitzman, M.P.(ed. A. Rapoport-Albert and G.Greenberg):  From Judaism to Christianity:  Studies in the Hebrew and Syriac Bibles (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement 8;  Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester). [Collected articles]. Winter, F.:  Bardesanes von Edessa über Indien.  Ein früher syrischer Theologe schreibt über ein fremdes Land (Innsbruck:  Thaur). [2] 2000 -  :  Scripture Readings for Sundays and Feast Days according to the Tradition of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch (New Jersey:  Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church for the Eastern USA). Baum, W., and Senoner, R.:  Indien und Europa im Mittelalter.  Die Eingliederung des Kontinents in das europäische Bewusstsein bis ins 15 Jahrhunderts (Klagenfurt:  Kitab). Chialà, S., and Nin, M:  Abramo di Kashkar, Giovanni il Solitario.  Nell’umiltà e nella mitezza.  Regole monastiche, Lettera a Esichio(Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 45;  Monastery di Bose). Chialà, S:  Filosseno di Mabbug.  I sensi dello Spirito.  Lettera a un suo discepolo, Lettera parenetica a un ebreo diventato discepolo (Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 48;  Monastero di Bose). Gnoli, T:  Roma, Edessa e Palmira nel III sec. D.C.   Problemi istituzionali.  Uno studio sui papyri dell’Eufrate (Biblioteca di Mediterraneo Antico 1 (Pisa/Rome). Kollamparampil, A.G:  From Symbol to Truth: A Syriac Understanding of the Paschal Mystery (Ephemerides Liturgicae, Subsidia 110;  Rome). Onatibia, I. (Introduction) and Janeras, S. (translation):  Teodor de Mopsuèstia.  Homilies Catequètiques (Clàssics del Cristianisme 79;  Barcelona: Proa). Pallath, P:  La Liturgia eucaristica della Chiesa siro-malabarese (Quaderni di Rivista Liturgica 1;  Padua). Pena, I:  Lieux de pélerinage en Syrie (Milan:  Franciscan Printing Press). Varghese, B:  The Syriac Version of the Liturgy of St James.  A Brief History for Students (Cambridge:  Grove Books). Wilmshurst, D:  The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913 (CSCO 582, Subsidia 104;   Leuven:  Peeters). [3] 2001 -   :  Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East:  The Holy Qurbana for the Use of the Faithful (San Jose CA:  Adiabene Publications).   [Preface by Mar Bawai Soro, Syriac text with English tr. by M. Birnie, transliteration by A. Soro, Modern Syriac tr. by S. Dinkha].  -    :  Patrimoine Syriaque.  Actes du colloque VII.  Le visage de Dieu dans le patrimoine oriental (Antelias:  Editions du CERO, Université Antonine). Alfeyev, H:  L’Univers spirituel d’Isaac le Syrien (Spiritualité Orientale 76;  Abbaye de Bellefontaine). [Translated from Russian by A. Louf]. Brock, S.P. (ed. with the assistance of Taylor, D.G.K.), The Hidden Pearl.  The Syrian Orthodox Church and its Ancient Aramaic Heritage. I,  S.P. Brock and D.G.K. Taylor, The Ancient Aramaic Heritage; II,   E.Balicka-Witakowski, S.P. Brock, D.G.K. Taylor, W. Witakowski, The Heirs of the Ancient Aramaic Heritage; III,  S.P. Brock and W. Witakowski, At the Turn of the Third Millennium.  The Syrian Orthodox Witness. (Rome:  Trans World Film Italia). [Annotations to these volumes are published in Hugoye 2002]. Cicek, J. (ed.):  Die Heilige Meryem/Tash`itho d-Yoldath Aloho Maryam men mawlodoh `damo l-shunoyoh (Mor Ephrem Monastery:  Barhebraeus Verlag). Cruikshank Dodd, E:  The Frescoes of Mar Musa al-Habashi.  A Study in Medieval Painting in Syria (Toronto:  Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies). De Francisco, I:  Efrem il Siro.  Inni Pasquali, sugli Azzimi, sulla Crocifissione, sulla Risurrezione.  Introduzione, traduzione e note (Lettere cristiane del primo millenio 31;  Milan:  Paoline). Graffin, F. (Introduction) and Cassingena-Trévedy, F. (translation and notes):  Éphrem de Nisibe.  Hymnes sur la Nativité (Sources chrétiennes 459;  Paris:  du Cerf). Hage, L:  Musique maronite, V-VII, Les strophes types syriaques (Bibliothèque de l’Université Saint-Esprit, Kaslik 42-44;  Kaslik). Henze, M:  The Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel. Introduction, Text and Commentary (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 11;  Tübingen). Kollamparampil, T:  Salvation in Christ according to Jacob of Serugh:  an Exegetico-Theological Study on the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh on the Feasts of our Lord (Bangalore:  Dharmaram). Lattke, M:  Oden Salomos.  Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, 2, Oden 15-28  (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus 41/2;  Freiburg/Göttingen). Morrison, C.E:  The Character of the Syriac Version of the First Book of Samuel (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute 11;  Leiden:  Brill). Nicoli-Zani, M:  Testi cristiani cinesi antichi (secolo VIII).  La Via della Luce.  Stele di Xi’an,  Inno di lode e di invocazione alle tre Maestà della religione della Luce (Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 51;  Monastero di Bose). Nöldeke, T:  Compendious Syriac Grammar, tr. J.A. Crichton [1904] with Supplementary Notes, tr. P.T. Daniels (Winona Lake). Panicker, M.J:  The Person of Jesus Christ in the Writings of Gregorius Abu’l Faraj commonly called Barhebraeus (Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 4;  Hamburg). PRO ORIENTE:  Syriac Dialogue 4.  Fourth Non-Official Consultation on Dialogue within the Syriac Tradition (Vienna:  PRO ORIENTE). Rapoport-Albert, A., and Greenberg, G. (eds):  Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Texts.  Essays in Memory of Michael P. Weitzman (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 333;  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press.   [Many of the contributions are on aspects of the Syriac Old Testament]. Seleznev, N:  Assirijskaya Cerkov Vostoka;  istoriceskij ocerk (Moscow:  Assyrian Church, ISBN 5-86748-082-8). Standaert, N. (ed.):  Handbook of Christianity in China, I, 635-1800 (Handbuch der Orientalistik IV.15/1;   Leiden:  Brill). [Chapters 1-2 on Syriac Christianity in China]. Thomas, D. (ed.):  Syrian Christians under Islam (Leiden:  Brill).  [Several chapters are of Syriac interest].