Beth Mardutho and Dorushe to organize trip to Tur Abdin August 5-18, 2005 Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent Brown University Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute George A. Kiraz James E. Walters TEI XML encoding by html2TEI.xsl Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute 2005 Vol. 8, No. 1 For this publication, a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license has been granted by the author(s), who retain full copyright. Beth Mardutho and Dorushe to organize trip to Tur Abdin August 5-18, 2005 Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, vol 8 issue 1 Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Syriac tradition, published semi-annually (in January and July) by Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute. Published since 1998, Hugoye seeks to offer the best scholarship available in the field of Syriac studies. Syriac Studies File created by XSLT transformation of original HTML encoded article. [1] Beth Mardutho and its Dorushe group are organizing a spiritual and educational journey to visit the Christian Sites, ancient and modern, of Istanbul and South-eastern Turkey. The trip features overnight stays at the monasteries of Mor Gabriel & Deir Al- Zacfaran, morning prayer and breakfast with the monks and nuns, and daily tours to local towns, villages and sites. During our stay at the monasteries, there will be daily lectures by Dr. Andreas Juckel, Dr. Alison Salvesen, and Dr. George Kiraz on the Syriac language and various topics with regards to Syriac Christianity. We plan to attend the Feast of the Virgin in Kharput. [2] Travellers will meet in Istanbul (final arrival day is August 17), and must make their own arrangement to get to Istanbul. All local travel and arrangements will be organized by Beth Mardutho. Pricing will be available by mid-late February. [3] This will be an unforgettable visit to the Christians of this region: a chance to experience their ancient and living heritage. To register, please contact Jeanne-Nicole at