Recent Publications on Syriac Topics: 2019

Sebastian P. Brock University of Oxford Grigory Kessel Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Manchester Sergey Minov Université Paris-Sorbonne, Labex RESMED

Recent Publications on Syriac Topics: 2019

  • Abdallah, K., Les mosaïques romaines et byzantines de Syrie du nord: la collection du musée de Maarat al-Nuʾman (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 213; Amman: IFP Orient, 2019).
  • Akçay, N. (ed.), The Commentary on the Gospels by Dionysius Jacob Bar Salibi, Metropolitan of Amid († 1171) (Damascus: Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate, 2019).
  • Akopian, A., Classical Syriac (Gorgias Handbooks; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Albrektson, B., Dedering, S., Walter, D.M., Jenner, K.D., and Veldman, G.J. (eds.), The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭ Version. Part III, fasc. 2: Jeremiah – Lamentations – Epistle of Jeremiah – Epistle of Baruch – Baruch (Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Alwan, K., Les œuvres de Jacques de Saroug dans la tradition arabe: inventaire des manuscrits arabes (Syro-Arabica 10; Córdoba: CNERU / Beyrouth: CEDRAC-USJ, 2019).
  • Apostolache, I., “Întunericul luminos”: confluenţe şi idei mistice la Părinţii Orientali; scrisorile lui Ioan Sabba, misticul sirian din Muntele Dalyatha (Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, 2019).
  • Arzhanov, Y.N., Syriac Sayings of Greek Philosophers: A Study in Syriac Gnomologia with Edition and Translation (CSCO 669, Subs. 138; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Bcheiry, I., An Early Christian Reaction to Islam: Išū‘yahb III and the Muslim Arabs (Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 57; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Bettiolo, P., Testimoni dell’eschaton: monaci siro-orientali in un’età di torbidi (Pubblicazioni dell’istituto per le scienze religiose, Bologna; Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019).
  • Binder, M. (trans.), Johannes von Dalyatha. Briefe (Paradies der Väter – Schriften syrischer Mystiker; Beuron: Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2019).
  • ———. (trans.), Johannes von Dalyatha. Geistliche Reden (Paradies der Väter – Schriften syrischer Mystiker; Beuron: Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2019).
  • Bitton-Ashkelony, B., The Ladder of Prayer and the Ship of Stirrings: The Praying Self in Late Antique East Syrian Christianity (Late Antique History and Religion 22; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Brock, S.P., The People and the Peoples: Syriac Dialogue Poems from Late Antiquity (Journal of Jewish Studies, Supplement Series 3; Oxford: Journal of Jewish Studies, 2019).
  • ———. (trans.), St Ephrem. A Hymn on the Nativity (Hymns on the Nativity 11) (Ely, Cambridgeshire: Jericho Press, 2019).
  • ———. Lo Spirito Santo nella tradizione battesimale siriaca. Trans. by M. Campatelli (Pubblicazioni del Centro Aletti; Roma: Lipa, 2019).
  • ———. Mireasa luminii: Imne din Bisericile Siriene, închinate Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu. Trans. by I. Apostolache and H.M. Apostolache (Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, 2019).
  • Bsoul, L.A., Translation Movement and Acculturation in the Medieval Islamic World (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).
  • Cameron, H., Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland (Impact of Empire 32; Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Cattaneo, G., Severo di Antiochia. Omelia sulla risurrezione: introduzione, traduzione, note di commento e appendici (Collana di Testi Patristici 259; Roma: Città Nuova, 2019).
  • Coakley, J.F., Six Syriac Hymns with their English Versions and Music (Ely, Cambridgeshire: Jericho Press, 2019).
  • Corbu, A. (trans.), Avva Iosif Hazzaya. Scrieri duhovnicești (Arad: Sfântul Nectarie, 2019).
  • Crawford, M.R., and Zola, N.J. (eds.), The Gospel of Tatian: Exploring the Nature and Text of the Diatessaron (The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 3; London: T&T Clark, 2019).
  • Ebeid, B., Il Signore è il Mio Sposo: simboli battesimali nella spiritualità siriaca antica (Il filo scarlatto 17; Napoli: Chirico, 2019).
  • Ebeid, B., and Brosco, V., Come latte e miele: Le Odi di Salomone (Il filo scarlatto 15; Napoli: Chirico, 2019).
  • Fiori, E., and Hugonnard-Roche, H. (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque (Études syriaques 16; Paris: Paul Geuthner, 2019).
  • Gignoux, Ph., Un livre de pharmacopée en syriaque (CSCO 670, Syr. 258; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Gordon, R.P., Kiraz, G.A., and Bali, J., The Syriac Peshiṭ Bible with English Translation: Chronicles (Ṣurath Kthobh; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Grigoryan, K., Khosrovik Targmanich. Dogmatic Writings: Armenian Original Text with English Translation (Yerevan: Vestigia / Ankyunacar, 2019).
  • Harrak, A. (ed. and trans.), The Chronicle of Michael the Great (The Edessa-Aleppo Syriac Codex): Books XV–XXI, from the Year 1050 to 1195 AD (Gorgias Chronicles of Late Antiquity 3; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Heimgartner, M. (ed. and trans.), Die Briefe 40 und 41 des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I. 2 vols (CSCO 673-674, Syr. 261-262; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Hofstra, J.D. (ed. and trans.), Isho‘dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John. 2 vols (CSCO 671-672, Syr. 259-260; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Hoyland, R.G., Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam (Gorgias Islamic Studies 12; 2nd ed.; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Jastrow, O., and Talay, Sh., Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Midyat (Miḏyoyo). Band I: Texte (Semitica Viva 59; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019).
  • Kaufhold, H., Ebedjesus von Nisibis “Ordo iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum”: Eine Zusammenstellung der kirchlichen Rechtsbestimmungen der ostsyrischen Kirche im 14. Jahrhundert (Eichstätter Beiträge zum Christlichen Orient 7; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019).
  • King, D. (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019).
  • Kiraz, G.A., The Syriac Orthodox in North America (1895–1995): A Short History (Gorgias Handbooks; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Leuenberger-Wenger, S., Das Konzil von Chalcedon und die Kirche: Konflikte und Normierungsprozesse im 5. und 6. Jahrhundert (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 153; Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Loosley Leeming, E., and Tchalenko, J., Notes on the Sanctuary of St. Symeon Stylites at Qal‘at Sim‘ān (Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 12; Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Mathew, C. (trans.), Saint Ephrem’s Prayer Songs on the Great Fast (Awsār Slāwōt’ō 5; Kottayam, India: St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 2019).
  • Mathews, E.G., Jr. (trans.), Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 55, The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Mekkattukulam, J.F., Le don du sceau dans les Actes syriaques et grecs de Judas Thomas. Le plus antique témoignage sur l’initiation chrétienne: “Onction – Baptême – Eucharistie” (Cahier d’études syriaques 6; Paris: Geuthner, 2019).
  • Méténier, É., Vetus Syra: Les quatre évangiles syriaques anciens. Traduction interlinéaire annotée. 3 vols (Patrimoine Syriaque 10; Kaslik, Liban: Parole de l’Orient, 2019).
  • Metselaar, M., Defining Christ: The Church of the East and Nascent Islam (Late Antique History and Religion 19; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
  • Meyrav, Y., Themistius’ Paraphrase of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 12: A Critical Hebrew-Arabic Edition of the Surviving Textual Evidence, with an Introduction, Preliminary Studies, and a Commentary (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus 25; Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Monferrer-Sala, J.P., Testamentum Adae Arabicum (TAa): estudio, edición crítica y traducción anotada, cotejada con la versión siriaca (tercera recensión) y griega (Aramaeo-Arabica et Graeca 2; Madrid: Sindéresis, 2019).
  • Morris, B., and Ze’evi, D., The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894–1924 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2019).
  • Morrison, C.E., Balzaretti, C., Rozzobon, M., Kiraz, G.A., and Bali, J., The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Genesis (Ṣurath Kthobh; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Müller, F.-R., Abdo Mirza, “Barfuß sind wir an den Chabour gekommen, barfuß sind wir gezwungen wieder zu gehen”: Flucht, Vertreibung und Geiselhaft der assyrischen Christen aus Tal Goran (Al-Hassake, Nordsyrien). Persönlicher Bericht des Abdo Mirza und seiner Familie (Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 60; Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2019).
  • Mustaţă, R., Sermon on Saint Thomas, the Beloved Apostle: A Syriac Catholic Panegyric from Seventeenth Century Malabar (Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 54; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Nin, M., Shebitho: Preghiere della Chiesa Siriaca (Milano: Centro Ambrosiano, 2019).
  • Oez, M., I Malfonuto dAday u Şliḥo (London: Modern Aramaic Press, 2019).
  • Πινακούλας, Γ., and Κουτσούγερας, Δ. (trans.), Ισαάκ του Σύρου. Λόγοι Ασκητικοί (Αθήνα: Εν πλω, 2019).
  • Puliurumpil, J.A., The Acts of Thomas: A Theological Source for St Thomas Christians (Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India 444; Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 2019).
  • Rabo, G., Dionysius Jakob Bar Ṣalibi. Syrischer Kommentar zum Römerbrief: Einleitung, Edition und Übersetzung mit einem Verzeichnis der syrischen Handschriften zu seinen sämtlichen Werken (Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca 56; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019).
  • Rajan, M., Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Volume 7 (Puthencruz, India: Travancore Syriac Orthodox Publishers, 2019).
  • Rigolio, A., Christians in Conversation: A Guide to Late Antique Dialogues in Greek and Syriac (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity; New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).
  • Ruyssen, G.-H., La Questione Caldea e Assira, 1908–1938: Documenti dell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano (ASV), dell’Archivio della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali (ACO) e dell’Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, Sezione per i Rapporti con gli Stati (SS.RR.SS). 4 vols (Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale / Valore Italiano, 2019).
  • Sadowski, M., The Trinitarian Analogies in the Christian Arab Apologetical Texts (750–1050) (Syro-Arabica 7; Córdoba: CNERU / Beyrouth: CEDRAC-USJ, 2019).
  • Scheunchen, T., Cosmology, Law, and Elites in Late Antiquity: Marriage and Slavery in Zoroastrianism, Eastern Christianity, and Islam (Arbeitsmaterialien zum Orient 32; Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag, 2019).
  • Schulthess, S., Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul: état de la question et étude de cas (1 Corinthiens dans le Vat. Ar. 13) (Biblia Arabica 6; Leiden: Brill, 2019).
  • Sims-Williams, N., From Liturgy to Pharmacology: Christian Sogdian Texts from the Turfan Collection (Berliner Turfantexte 45; Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Szymczak, T., La ricezione del vangelo di Matteo nella “Vetus Syra” (Analecta Biblica, Dissertationes 222; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2019).
  • Talay, Sh. (ed.), Šlomo Surayt: Een introductiecursus voor Surayt (Turoyo) (Glane: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 2018 [2019]).
  • ——— (ed.), Šlomo Surayt: En introduktionskurs i surayt (turoyo) (Glane: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 2018 [2019]).
  • ——— (ed.), Šlomo Surayt: Cours d’introduction à l’araméen surayt (ṭuroyo) (Famille et jeunesse 13; Bruxelles: Vicariat Patriarcal Syriaque Orthodoxe de Belgique, de France et du Luxembourg, 2019).
  • Tondello, G. (trans.), Filosseno di Mabbug. Vivere è Cristo: Lettera a Patrizio (Padri orientali; Magnano: Qiqajon, 2019).
  • van Nuffelen, P., and van Hoof, L. (eds.), Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris: An Inventory of Late Antique Historiography (A.D. 300–800) (Corpus Christianorum; Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Watt, J.W., The Aristotelian Tradition in Syriac (Variorum Collected Studies 1074; London: Routledge, 2019).
  • Weltecke, D., and Barth, B. (eds.), Sayfo – Das Jahr des Schwertes (Schola Nisibina 2; Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019).
  • Wickes, J.T., Bible and Poetry in Late Antique Mesopotamia: Ephrem’s Hymns on Faith (Christianity in Late Antiquity 5; Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2019).
  • Wilberding, J., Trompeter, J., and Rigolio, A. (trans.), Michael of Ephesus: On Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 10; Themistius: On Virtue (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle; London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).
  • Winkler, D.W. (ed.), Middle Eastern Christians Facing Challenges: Reflections on the Special Synod for the Middle East (Pro Oriente Studies in Syriac Tradition 3; Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2019).
  • Yanik, B., Het Barmhartige Hart: Dagelijkse lezingen met St. Isaak de Syriër (Partuté: Schatten van de Syrische Vaders 2; Glane: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 2019).
  • Yarbrough, L., Friends of the Emir: Non-Muslim State Officials in Premodern Islamic Thought (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).
  • Zimbardi, E., Efrem siro. Sermone su Ninive e Giona (Testi del Vicino Oriente antico 5; Brescia: Paideia, 2019).
  • Bcheiry, I., An Early Christian Reaction to Islam: Išū‘yahb III and the Muslim Arabs (Ph.D. dissertation; Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2019).
  • Bonni, J., Everything Is Full of Gods: Representing Religion at the Edges of Empires (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Chicago, 2019).
  • Di Rienzo, A., Holiness and Power in Syriac Hagiographic Collections (Ph.D. dissertation; Sapienza Università di Roma / Ghent University, 2019).
  • Duca, V., ‘Exploring Finitude’: Weakness and Integrity in Isaac of Nineveh (D.Phil. dissertation; University of Oxford, 2019).
  • Durmaz, R., Stories, Saints, and Sanctity between Christianity and Islam in the Middle Ages (Ph.D. dissertation; Brown University, 2019).
  • Elia, M.-Th., Le mimro sur la foi de Jacques de Saroug: traduction et commentaire (Thèse de doctorat; Centres Sèvres, Facultés jésuites de Paris, 2019).
  • Hood, J.K., Songs of Supplication and Penitence: ‘Onyātā from the Warda Collection in Mingana Syr 214 (Ph.D. dissertation; The Catholic University of America, 2019).
  • Jabbour, P., La réforme liturgique sous le patriarche Istifān Al-Douaihy (1670–1704) entre une allégeance à Rome et une fidélité à la tradition siro-antiochienne: une étude menée sur les manuscrits Vat. Sir. 310 et 311 (Thèse de doctorat canonique; Institut catholique de Paris / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2019).
  • Kulathingal Mathew, B., The Church, Earthly and Heavenly Bride: Critical Edition, Translation and Study of the Memra on the Dedication of the Church Attributed to Narsai of Nisibis (Thèse de doctorat canonique; Institut catholique de Paris, 2019).
  • Laster, E.K., John the Solitary’s Epistle to Marcianus: Edition, Translation, and Analysis (M.A. thesis; Abilene Christian University, 2019).
  • McAvoy, S.D., Evolution of an Eschaton: An Analysis of On the Antichrist (CPG 3946), Attributed to Efrem the Syrian (Ph.D. dissertation; Arizona State University, 2019).
  • Miller, K.M., The Role of Aramaic in Syrian Orthodox Ethnic and Religious Identity (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Arizona, 2019).
  • Moretsi, L.H., Translation Technique and the Translation of Verbal Forms in the Masoretic Text by the Peshitta Psalms 73–89 (Ph.D. dissertation; The North-West University, 2019).
  • Thaikkattil Karayil, S.S., Communion and Corresponsibility in the Structure of the Syro Malabar Church (Tesi di dottorato in teologia; Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, 2019).
  • Walsh, E.G., Sanctifying Boldness: New Testament Women in Narsai, Jacob of Serugh, and Romanos Melodos (Ph.D. dissertation; Duke University, 2019).
  • Weaver, C.M., A Multi-Generational Acoustic and Sociolinguistic Study of Emphasis in Turoyo (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Chicago, 2019).
  • Abdi, V., “Jacobite Explanation of the Trinity in the Context of Mu‘tazilite Theology: Abu Ra’itah al-Takriti,” Religious Inquiries 8 [16] (2019), 5-23.
  • Abousamra, G., “A Censer with a Syriac Inscription,” Parole de l’Orient 45 (2019), 11-22.
  • AbouZayd, Sh., “The Maronite Church,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 731-750.
  • Aïm, E., “La formation des conjugaisons passives en syriaque,” Journal of Semitic Studies 64:2 (2019), 433-444.
  • ———. “An Unexpected Co-Occurrence Restriction on Syriac Root Consonants,” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 22:1 (2019), 39-61.
  • Akiki, J., “La quête de l’intériorité mystique: lecture du texte et l’expérience d’Isaac de Ninive,” Parole de l’Orient 23 (2019), 23-38.
  • Allen, P., “Eustathius, Letter concerning the Two Natures against Severus (CPG 6810): An English Translation,” in: B. Roosen and P. van Deun (eds.), The Literary Legacy of Byzantium: Editions, Translations, and Studies in Honour of Joseph A. Munitiz SJ (Byzantioς 15; Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 25-56.
  • Alpi, F.N., “À propos du synode chalcédonien de Tyr (518): note de lecture,” in: A. Binggeli and V. Déroche (eds.), Mélanges Bernard Flusin (Travaux et mémoires 23; Paris: Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2019), 1-10.
  • Amin ‘Ali, N.M., “Discovery of Two New Churches in the North of Iraq: A Church with a Bema and a Martyrion,” Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 19 (2019), 52-58.
  • Andrade, N.J., “Bardaisan of Edessa and Memories of Christian Persecution in the Near East,” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 62:1 (2019), 86-105.
  • ———. “A Palmyrene Contribution to Eastern Christianity: The Name of King Gondophares,” in: R. Raja (ed.), Revisiting the Religious Life of Palmyra (Contextualizing the Sacred 9; Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 189-198.
  • ———. “Syriac and Syrians in the Later Roman Empire: Questions of Identity,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 157-174.
  • Annus, A., “The Syriologist Arthur Vööbus – a Perspective from Tartu,” in: V. Sazonov, H. Mölder and P. Espak (eds.), Cultural Crossroads in the Middle East: The Historical, Cultural and Political Legacy of Intercultural Dialogue and Conflict from the Ancient Near East to the Present Day (Studia Orientalia Tartuensia, Series Nova 8; Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2019), 87-99.
  • Antonova, S.E., “Tatian and the Charge of Barbarism,” in: Eadem, Barbarian or Greek? The Charge of Barbarism and Early Christian Apologetics (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions 187; Leiden: Brill, 2019), 146-163.
  • Aravackal, R., “The Qudāšā of Mar Theodore: A Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom,” Christian Orient 41:3 (2019), 186-209.
  • Arlen, J.S., “Texts for Keeping Watch: The Hymns of the Night of Ephrem of Nisibis and the Book of Lamentation of Gregory of Narek,” Viator 49:2 (2018 [2019]), 1-23.
  • Arnzen, R., Arzhanov, Y.N., Bamballi, N., Čéplö, S., and Kessel, G., “The Quest for ‘Falsehood’, or a Survey of Tools or the Study of Greek-Syriac-Arabic Translations,” Studia graeco-arabica 9 (2019), 263-280.
  • Arzhanov, Y.N., “Plato in Syriac Literature,” Le Muséon 132:1-2 (2019), 1-36.
  • ———. “Progymnasmata syriaques: la philosophie morale de forme gnomique et son usage dans l’enseignement de la rhétorique,” in: E. Fiori and H. Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque (Études syriaques 16; Paris: Paul Geuthner, 2019), 139-162.
  • ———. “Syriac Philosophy: Select Bibliography,” in: E. Fiori and H. Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque (Études syriaques 16; Paris: Paul Geuthner, 2019), 417-447.
  • Asade, D., and Greif, E., “Literatura farmacéutica en el mundo oriental medieval: la recuperación árabe del Libro de las Medicinas en lengua siríaca,” Scripta Mediaevalia: Revista de pensamiento medieval 12:1 (2019), 53-90.
  • Ashurov, B., “‘Sogdian Christianity’: Evidence from Architecture and Material Culture,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society III, 29:1 (2019), 127-168.
  • Atas, N., Phillips, D., and Ruani, F., “Ḥnanisho‘ de Beth Qoqa, Lettre: édition du texte et traduction,” Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Étude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales 8 (2019), 129-139.
  • Aubin, J., “Épicure et Bardesane astrologues: l’exposé de Nicétas au livre VIII des Recognitiones pseudo-clémentines,” Apocrypha 29 (2018 [2019]), 97-111.
  • Awad, N.G., “Dāwūd ibn Marwān al-Muqammaṣ on the Trinity: A Moment in Abbasid Jewish-Christian Kalām,” Studia graeco-arabica 9 (2019), 107-128.
  • Aydin, S., “The Remnant of a Questions and Answers Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories in Syriac (Vat. Syr. 586),” Studia graeco-arabica 9 (2019), 69-105.
  • Azatyan, S., “The Hagiographic Legend of King Abgar of Edessa and Its Transformations in Armenian Literature,” Banber Matenadarani 27 (2019), 228-250 [in Armenian].
  • Baarda, T., “The Diatessaron and Its Beginning: A Twofold Statement of Tatian,” in: M.R. Crawford and N.J. Zola (eds.), The Gospel of Tatian: Exploring the Nature and Text of the Diatessaron (The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 3; London: T&T Clark, 2019), 13-24.
  • Bakker, H.A., “Pneuma-Christology as Applied Christology: Intimacy and Immediacy in the Odes of Solomon,” in: G. van den Brink, E. van Staalduine-Sulman and M. Wisse (eds.), The Spirit Is Moving: New Pathways in Pneumatology (Studies in Reformed Theology 38; Leiden: Brill, 2019), 93-108.
  • Bakker Kellogg, S., “Perforating Kinship: Syriac Christianity, Ethnicity, and Secular Legibility,” Current Anthropology 60:4 (2019), 475-498.
  • Bar-Asher Siegal, M., “Judaism and Syriac Christianity,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 146-156.
  • Barker, J.W., “Tatian’s Diatessaron and the Proliferation of Gospels,” in: M.R. Crawford and N.J. Zola (eds.), The Gospel of Tatian: Exploring the Nature and Text of the Diatessaron (The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 3; London: T&T Clark, 2019), 111-141.
  • Barth, B., “Der Sayfo im Rahmen der internationalen Genozidforschung,” in: D. Weltecke and B. Barth (eds.), Sayfo – Das Jahr des Schwertes (Schola Nisibina 2; Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019), 175-182.
  • Bcheiry, I., “Shedding Light on the Identity and History of the Monastic Complex of Sir Bani Yas (United Arab Emirates),” Parole de l’Orient 45 (2019), 39-65.
  • Beaumont, M., “Christian Defence of Free Will in Debate with Muslims in the Early Islamic Period,” Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36:3 (2019), 149-163.
  • Benfey, T., “A Greek Source for the Treatise on the Composition of Man Attributed to Aḥūdemmeh Anṭīpaṭrōs?” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 22:1 (2019), 3-37.
  • Bergjan, S.-P., “Theodoret of Cyrus: An Access to the Polyphonic Context of Antiochia,” Evangelische Theologie 79:5 (2019), 377-384.
  • Bernabò, M., “La Siria degli storici dell’arte e i manoscritti miniati del Tur ‘Abdin,” in: S. Ronchey and F. Monticini (eds.), Bisanzio nello spazio e nel tempo: Costantinopoli, la Siria. Atti della XIV Giornata di studi dell’AISB (Roma, 10-11 novembre 2017) (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 307; Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2019), 175-196.
  • Bertaina, D., “An Arabic Christian Perspective on Monotheism in the Qur’ān: Elias of Nisibis’ Kitāb al-Majālis,” in: D. Bertaina, S.T. Keating, M.N. Swanson and A. Treiger (eds.), Heirs of the Apostles: Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith (Arabic Christianity 1; Leiden: Brill, 2019), 3-21.
  • Berti, V., “Notes sur la fonction et la circulation de la logique dans l’Église de l’Orient après l’Islam,” in: E. Fiori and H. Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque (Études syriaques 16; Paris: Paul Geuthner, 2019), 249-265.
  • Bertozzi, R., “A Notice on Lenition and Hardening: A Garšuni Summary on bgādkpāt Pronunciation in ms Sachau 196,” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 22:1 (2019), 63-108.
  • Bhayro, S., “The Reception of Galen in the Syriac Tradition,” in: P. Bouras-Vallianatos and B. Zipser (eds.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Galen (Brill’s Companions to Classical Reception 17; Leiden: Brill, 2019), 163-178.
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  • Wilkinson, R.J., “The Early Study of Syriac in Europe,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 751-769.
  • Wilmshurst, D., “The Church of the East in the ‘Abbasid Era,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 189-201.
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  • ———. “Historiography in the Syriac-Speaking World, 300–1000,” in: D. King (ed.), The Syriac World (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge, 2019), 405-421.
  • Woźniak-Bobińska, M., “Intergenerational Relations: Explor-ing Ambivalence within Assyiran/Syriac Families in Sweden,” Parole de l’Orient 45 (2019), 393-417.
  • Yeung, D.H.N., “The Multiple Identities of the Nestorian Monk Mar Alopen: A Discussion on Diplomacy and Politics,” in: P.Z. Huang, X. Tang and D. Zhu (eds.), Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2018 (Yearbook of Chinese Theology 4; Leiden: Brill, 2019), 37-49.
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  • Zaleski, J., “The Nous Is the Head of the Soul: Remaking Origen’s and Evagrius’s Anthropology for the Church of the East,” in: B. Bitton-Ashkelony, O. Irshai, A. Kofsky, H.I. Newman and L. Perrone (eds.), Origeniana Duodecima: Origen’s Legacy in the Holy Land – A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem. Proceedings of the 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25-29 June, 2017 (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 302; Leuven: Peeters, 2019), 789-804.
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  • Zola, N.J., “The Use of Tatian’s Diatessaron in the Textual Criticism of the Gospels and the Future of Diatessaronic Studies,” in: M.R. Crawford and N.J. Zola (eds.), The Gospel of Tatian: Exploring the Nature and Text of the Diatessaron (The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 3; London: T&T Clark, 2019), 191-237.
  • Zu’bi, A., “Aramaic Substrate in the Arabic Dialects of Kufr-Kanna and Mišhad,” Journal of Semitic Studies 64:1 (2019), 251-277.


‎* ∗ The list of publications is based on the online Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity, supported by the Center for the Study of Christianity at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (http://www.csc.org.il/ db/db.aspx?db=SB). Suggested additions and corrections can be sent to: csc@mail.huji.ac.il


Syriac Lexeme

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Status: Published  
Publication Date: February 28, 2020
Sebastian P. Brock, Grigory Kessel and Sergey Minov, "Recent Publications on Syriac Topics: 2019." Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 23.1 (2020): 131–180.
open access peer reviewed