Submission Guidelines for Authors

The following guidlines apply to all submissions for Hugoye, including articles, book reviews, and reports.

1. Scope of the Journal

Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is an electronic journal produced semi-annually (Winter and Summer), for scholars of the Syriac tradition and language in all its aspects and periods. Hugoye is also published as a printed edition once a year. Submission of quality articles, project/conference reports, and book reviews on all topics related to Syriac studies is welcome.

2. Submissions

2.1. Articles, project and conference reports, conference announcements, and other submissions on all topics related to Syriac studies in all its aspects are welcome. Soft copies are to be submitted to the editors as an attachment to an email in Word document form (.doc/.docx) or PDF (see submission email address below).

2.1.1. Articles should be submitted electronically to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2.2. All articles are subject to double blind review, so please submit two copies of the article: one with name and affiliation of author(s) and one without name(s) or any other identifying material.

2.3. All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board.

2.4. The language of the journal is English although papers in other languages will also be considered.

3. General Format

3.1. The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper's title, author's full name and affiliation, keywords representing the subject of the paper (e.g., Peshitta, hagiography, St. Ephrem, metrical homilies, etc.), and a one-paragraph abstract (c. 100-200 words) summarizing the paper's main contribution.

3.2. Font sizes may vary, but the majority of the manuscript should be in 10 or 12 pt. Italics may be used.

3.3. Both the online and printed editions will use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the entire document and placed at the bottom of the page.

3.4. A paper must conclude with a bibliography. Any bibliographical referencing in the notes must contain the same information as that in the bibliography (see 5.2. below).

4. Quotations and Quotation Marks

4.1. Quotations of five lines or longer are to be separated from the body of the text in an indented paragraph, and may be in a smaller font if desired. No quotation marks are needed.

4.2. Smaller quotations remain in the body of the text and are to use double quotation marks ("...").

4.3. Definitions of words are put between single quotation marks ('...').

5. Format of Bibliographical References in Footnotes

5.1. Please see The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993) for all matters of style not covered here.

5.2. All publication information should be included in the first citation of the work, but not thereafter. Later citations should include only the author, shortened or abbreviated title and page number. The bibliographical information given in the first citation must be the same as that given in the bibliography. Terms such as ibid (referring to the same work cited in the note immediately preceding) or idem (in place of the author's name in successive references within one note to several works by the same person) may be used when necessary.

5.3. Each footnote should be preceded by the number of the footnote.

5.4. Note numbers in the text should come at the end of a sentence, or at the end of a clause wherever possible, and should be placed after all punctuation except the dash. Where a footnote applies to a group of sentences or a paragraph, the note number should be placed after the punctuation at the end of the last sentence.

5.5. The content and arrangement of bibliographical information in footnotes should be as follows:

5.5.1. Books. Bibliographical information for books should include: author's/authors' name(s) (first name or initial of first name, and last name) followed by a comma, title of the work in italics, edition or series information if applicable (not in italics), publication information in parentheses, and finally, the page number(s) cited. Publication information should include the city in which published (followed by a colon, then a space), the name of the publishing company, and finally, the year published. If there is no author but only an editor or editors, then the editor's/editors' name(s) should be followed by the abbreviation ed. or eds. and a comma. Series information includes the name of the series and the volume number in the series (if volume number is stated).


18. E. Beck, Ephräms des Syrers Psychologie und Erkenntnislehre, CSCO, Subsidia 58 (Louvain: Secretariat der Corpus SCO, 1980), 42.

19. G. Reinink and H. Vanstiphout, eds., Dispute Poems and Dialogues, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 42 (Leuven: Department Orientalistiek, 1991), 3–4.

20. Takamitsu Muraoka, Classical Syriac. A Basic Grammar with a Chrestomathy, Porta Linguarum Orientalium, Neue Serie 19 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997), 28.

5.5.2. Articles. Bibliographical information for articles should include: author's/authors' name(s), title of the article in double quotation marks, journal information in parentheses (includes journal title in italics, followed by a space, then the volume number, then a colon followed by issue number if the issue is known, followed by the year date in brackets), then a comma and a space before the page number(s).


1. A. Palmer, "'A Lyre Without A Voice': The Poetics and the Politics of Ephrem the Syrian" (Aram 5:1&2 [1993]), 372.

5.5.3. Chapters or other titled parts in books. Bibliographical information for chapters should include: author's/authors' name(s), followed by a comma, followed by the title in double quotation marks, followed by the book information and page number(s) cited. The title of the chapter should be separated from the title of the book by a comma and the word in. If the editor or translator of the book is different from the author of the chapter, that name follows the title of the book and is preceded by a comma and ed. or trans. Page numbers cited follow the publication information which is in parentheses.


3. S. P. Brock, "Syriac dispute-poems: the various types," in Dispute Poems and Dialogues, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 42, ed. G. Reinink and H. Vanstiphout (Leuven: Department Orientalistiek, 1991), 109-19.

5.6. Please use the n-dash (–) for page ranges in citation.

6. Bibliography

6.1. A full bibliography of works cited must be at the end of the paper.

6.2. The information to be included is the same as for footnotes, however the format differs slightly; authors are listed alphabetically by their last names, periods are used to separate parts of information instead of commas, and no parentheses are needed except for those surrounding a journal date. Page numbers are necessary for journal articles.


Brock, S. P. "Syriac dispute-poems: the various types." In Dispute Poems and Dialogues, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 42, ed. G. Reinink and H. Vanstiphout. Leuven: Department Orientalistiek, 1991.

Hillers, D. R. and E. Cussini. Palmyrene Aramaic Texts. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Palmer, A. "'A Lyre Without A Voice': The Poetics and the Politics of Ephrem the Syrian." Aram 5:1&2 (1993): 372-99.

7. Special Scripts

7.1. Syriac text is acceptable through the use of Unicode and the Meltho Open Type Fonts.

7.1.1. Please also be sure to include a PDF of your article in case Syriac scripts are corrupted.

7.2. The following fonts are to be standardized for use in Hugoye submissions:

7.2.1. Syriac (Meltho Fonts)

Estrangelo: Estrangelo Talada (14 pt)

Western: Serto Jerusalem (16 pt)

Eastern: East Syriac Adiabene (16 pt)

7.2.2. Greek

SBL Greek (12 pt)

7.2.3. Hebrew

SBL Hebrew (12 pt)

7.2.4. Coptic

New Athena Unicode (12 pt)

7.2.5. Arabic

Scheherazade (12 pt)

7.3. Please correspond with the editors concerning the use of other scripts.

7.4. Transliteration

7.4.1. Transliterations should be in italics.

7.4.2. Transliteration Scheme:

The transliteration of the Syriac letters is as follows:

ʾ b g d h w z ḥ ṭ y k l m n s ʿ p ṣ q r š t

As for vowels, standard lines above the transliterated vowels are used to represent long vowels (i.e. a / ā),

8. Abbreviations

8.1. For abbreviations of periodicals, authors should use S.M. Schwertner, Internationales Abkurzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete, 2nd ed. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1992). Abbreviations not covered there must be explained by the author in a footnote. Some pertinent abbreviations for periodicals are as follows:

AAAS Annales archaeologiques arabes, syriennes
AAS Acta Apostolicae Sedis
Aug. Augustinianum
BibOr Bibliotheca Orientalis
BLE Bulletin de litterature ecclesiastique
COri Christian Orient
CSCO Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium
Diakonia Diakonia. Internationale Zeitschrift für praktische Theologie
DR Downside Review
DSpir Dictionnaire de Spiritualité
DSp Dictionnaire de spiritualite ascetique et mystique
ECR Eastern Churches Review
GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte
Hugoye Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
JAC Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum
JAC.E - Erganzungsband
JSS Journal of Semitic studies
MLJb Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch
MusJon MusJon
NTS New Testament Studies
OCA Orientalia Christiana analecta
OCP Orientalia Christiana periodica
ODCC Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
OrChr Oriens Christianus
OrSyr Orient syrien
ParOr Parole de l'Orient
PG Patrologiae cursus completus - Series Graeca
PGO Patrologiae cursus completus - Series Graeca et orientalis
PL Patrologiae cursus completus - Series Latina
PO Patrologia orientalis
PS Patrologia Syriaca
PTS Patristische Texte und Studien
RAC Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum
RBen Revue benedictine de critique, d'histoire et de litterature religieuses
RevSR Revue des sciences religieuses
Sob. Sobernost
StAns Studia Anselmiana
StPatr Studia Patristica
Tr. Traditio. Studies in ancient and medieval history, thought and religion
TC Traditio Christiana
TTS Tübinger theologische Studien
ZKG Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
ZThK Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche

8.2. Abbreviations for biblical books to be used within papers submitted in English are as follows:

OT: Gen Exod Lev Num Deut Josh Judg 1-2 Sam 1-2 Kgs Isa Jer Ezek Hos Joel Amos Obad Jonah Mic Nah Hab Zeph Hag Zech Mal Ps(s) Job Prov Ruth Cant Eccl/Qoh Lam Esth Dan Ezra Neh 1-2 Chr Add Esth Bar Bel 1-2 Esdr 4 Ezra Jdt Ep Jer 1-4 Mac Pr Azar Pr Man Sir Sus Tob Wis

NT: Matt Mark Luke John Acts Rom 1-2 Cor Gal Eph Phil Col 1-2 Thes 1-2 Tim Tit Phlm Heb Jas 1-2 Pet 1-3 John Jude Rev

The format for biblical citations should begin with the abbreviation for the biblical book, followed by a space, followed by chapter and verse(s) separated by a colon: e.g., 1 Chr 1:15-19.

8.3. Abbreviations for other ancient texts should also follow Schwertner, Internationales Abkurzungsverzeichnis. Authors should provide an abbreviation key for any ancient texts or manuscripts including those in Schwertner.

8.4. Other abbreviations or Latin terms that may be used include the following (they are not to be italicized):

ca. circa
cf. confer
e.g. exempli gratia
etc. etcetera
ibid. ibidem
id. idem
i.e. id est
sic sic

8.5. Abbreviations after numbers should be superscript; e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

8.6. All other abbreviations should be followed by a period, according to The Chicago Manual of Style; e.g. St. for "saint."

9. Special Material - Illustrations, Charts, Photographs, etc.

9.1 It is recommended that illustrations or photos be submitted for the on-line edition in .jpg format and should be no bigger than 500x500 pixels, 72 dpi resolution, and 100 KB. Images of text should be submitted in .gif format and should be no bigger than 300x300 pixels, 72 dpi, 10 KB. Some exceptions in size may be allowed.

9.2 If special permission is required to publish images, the author bears responsibility for obtaining such permissions.

10. Book Reviews

The style guidelines for book reviews are the same as outlined above. The title of your book review should include all of the blibliographic information in the style found in the following example:

Brent Landau, Revelation of the Magi: The Lost Tale of the Wise Men's Journey to Bethlehem. New York: HarperOne, 2010. x + 157 pp; hardcover. $22.99.