Volume 5 (2002)

Recent Books on Syriac Topics (1999-2001)

Sebastian P. Brock University of Oxford

[1] 1999

Baum, W.:  Die Verwandlungen des Mythos vom Reich des Priesterkönigs Johannes.  Rom, Byzanz und die Christen des Orients im Mittelalter (Klagenfurt:  Kitab).

Beth Shmuel, Robin:  Bukhra da-Tbi`atha (Baghdad:  the author, PO Box 20925).  [On Syriac printing in Iraq and on Zahrire d-Bahra].

Buck, C.:  Paradise and Paradigm.  Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Baha’i Faith (Albany:  State University of New York Press).

Ferrer I Costa, J., and Nogueras, M.A:  Breve diccionario siríaca:  siríaco-castellano-catalán (Estudios de Filología Semítica 1;  Barcelona:  University of Barcelona).

Ferrer I Costa, J., and Nogueras, M.A:  Manual de gramática siríaca (Estudios de Filología Semítica 2;  Barcelona:  University of Barcelona).

Galbiati, E. (Introduction):  Messale della Divina Liturgia della Chiesa Siro-Ortodossa di Antiochia (Milan:  Gruppo Amici di Tur Abdin).

Naby, E., and Hopper, M. (eds):  The Assyrian Experience:   Sources for the Study of the 19th and 20th Centuries from the Holdings of the Harvard University Library (Cambrdige MA).

Nordiguian, L., and Voisin, J-C:   Chateaux et églises du Moyen Âge au Liban (Beirut: Terre du Liban/Trans Orient).

Starowieyski, M.:  Slownik Wczesnochrzescijanskiego Pismiennictwa Wschodu: Literatury arabska, armenska, etiopska, gruzinska, koptyjska, syryjska (Warsaw:  Instytut Wydawniczy Pax).  [Dictionary of main authors in Oriental Christian literatures, with bibliographies].

Tardy, R.:  Najran.  Chrétiens d’Arabie avant l’Islam (Recherches.  B Orient Chrétien;  Beirut:  Dar el Machreq).

Weitzman, M.P.(ed. A. Rapoport-Albert and G.Greenberg):  From Judaism to Christianity:  Studies in the Hebrew and Syriac Bibles (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement 8;  Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester). [Collected articles].

Winter, F.:  Bardesanes von Edessa über Indien.  Ein früher syrischer Theologe schreibt über ein fremdes Land (Innsbruck:  Thaur).

[2] 2000

-  :  Scripture Readings for Sundays and Feast Days according to the Tradition of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch (New Jersey:  Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church for the Eastern USA).

Baum, W., and Senoner, R.:  Indien und Europa im Mittelalter.  Die Eingliederung des Kontinents in das europäische Bewusstsein bis ins 15 Jahrhunderts (Klagenfurt:  Kitab).

Chialà, S., and Nin, M:  Abramo di Kashkar, Giovanni il Solitario.  Nell’umiltà e nella mitezza.  Regole monastiche, Lettera a Esichio(Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 45;  Monastery di Bose).

Chialà, S:  Filosseno di Mabbug.  I sensi dello Spirito.  Lettera a un suo discepolo, Lettera parenetica a un ebreo diventato discepolo (Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 48;  Monastero di Bose).

Gnoli, T:  Roma, Edessa e Palmira nel III sec. D.C.   Problemi istituzionali.  Uno studio sui papyri dell’Eufrate (Biblioteca di Mediterraneo Antico 1 (Pisa/Rome).

Kollamparampil, A.G:  From Symbol to Truth: A Syriac Understanding of the Paschal Mystery (Ephemerides Liturgicae, Subsidia 110;  Rome).

Onatibia, I. (Introduction) and Janeras, S. (translation):  Teodor de Mopsuèstia.  Homilies Catequètiques (Clàssics del Cristianisme 79;  Barcelona: Proa).

Pallath, P:  La Liturgia eucaristica della Chiesa siro-malabarese (Quaderni di Rivista Liturgica 1;  Padua).

Pena, I:  Lieux de pélerinage en Syrie (Milan:  Franciscan Printing Press).

Varghese, B:  The Syriac Version of the Liturgy of St James.  A Brief History for Students (Cambridge:  Grove Books).

Wilmshurst, D:  The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913 (CSCO 582, Subsidia 104;   Leuven:  Peeters).

[3] 2001

-   :  Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East:  The Holy Qurbana for the Use of the Faithful (San Jose CA:  Adiabene Publications).   [Preface by Mar Bawai Soro, Syriac text with English tr. by M. Birnie, transliteration by A. Soro, Modern Syriac tr. by S. Dinkha].

 -    :  Patrimoine Syriaque.  Actes du colloque VII.  Le visage de Dieu dans le patrimoine oriental (Antelias:  Editions du CERO, Université Antonine).

Alfeyev, H:  L’Univers spirituel d’Isaac le Syrien (Spiritualité Orientale 76;  Abbaye de Bellefontaine). [Translated from Russian by A. Louf].

Brock, S.P. (ed. with the assistance of Taylor, D.G.K.), The Hidden Pearl.  The Syrian Orthodox Church and its Ancient Aramaic Heritage.

I,  S.P. Brock and D.G.K. Taylor, The Ancient Aramaic Heritage;

II,   E.Balicka-Witakowski, S.P. Brock, D.G.K. Taylor, W. Witakowski, The Heirs of the Ancient Aramaic Heritage;

III,  S.P. Brock and W. Witakowski, At the Turn of the Third Millennium.  The Syrian Orthodox Witness. (Rome:  Trans World Film Italia).

[Annotations to these volumes are published in Hugoye 2002].

Cicek, J. (ed.):  Die Heilige Meryem/Tash`itho d-Yoldath Aloho Maryam men mawlodoh `damo l-shunoyoh (Mor Ephrem Monastery:  Barhebraeus Verlag).

Cruikshank Dodd, E:  The Frescoes of Mar Musa al-Habashi.  A Study in Medieval Painting in Syria (Toronto:  Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies).

De Francisco, I:  Efrem il Siro.  Inni Pasquali, sugli Azzimi, sulla Crocifissione, sulla Risurrezione.  Introduzione, traduzione e note (Lettere cristiane del primo millenio 31;  Milan:  Paoline).

Graffin, F. (Introduction) and Cassingena-Trévedy, F. (translation and notes):  Éphrem de Nisibe.  Hymnes sur la Nativité (Sources chrétiennes 459;  Paris:  du Cerf).

Hage, L:  Musique maronite, V-VII, Les strophes types syriaques (Bibliothèque de l’Université Saint-Esprit, Kaslik 42-44;  Kaslik).

Henze, M:  The Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel. Introduction, Text and Commentary (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 11;  Tübingen).

Kollamparampil, T:  Salvation in Christ according to Jacob of Serugh:  an Exegetico-Theological Study on the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh on the Feasts of our Lord (Bangalore:  Dharmaram).

Lattke, M:  Oden Salomos.  Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, 2, Oden 15-28  (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus 41/2;  Freiburg/Göttingen).

Morrison, C.E:  The Character of the Syriac Version of the First Book of Samuel (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute 11;  Leiden:  Brill).

Nicoli-Zani, M:  Testi cristiani cinesi antichi (secolo VIII).  La Via della Luce.  Stele di Xi’an,  Inno di lode e di invocazione alle tre Maestà della religione della Luce (Testi dei Padri della Chiesa 51;  Monastero di Bose).

Nöldeke, T:  Compendious Syriac Grammar, tr. J.A. Crichton [1904] with Supplementary Notes, tr. P.T. Daniels (Winona Lake).

Panicker, M.J:  The Person of Jesus Christ in the Writings of Gregorius Abu’l Faraj commonly called Barhebraeus (Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 4;  Hamburg).

PRO ORIENTE:  Syriac Dialogue 4.  Fourth Non-Official Consultation on Dialogue within the Syriac Tradition (Vienna:  PRO ORIENTE).

Rapoport-Albert, A., and Greenberg, G. (eds):  Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Texts.  Essays in Memory of Michael P. Weitzman (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 333;  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press.   [Many of the contributions are on aspects of the Syriac Old Testament].

Seleznev, N:  Assirijskaya Cerkov Vostoka;  istoriceskij ocerk (Moscow:  Assyrian Church, ISBN 5-86748-082-8).

Standaert, N. (ed.):  Handbook of Christianity in China, I, 635-1800 (Handbuch der Orientalistik IV.15/1;   Leiden:  Brill). [Chapters 1-2 on Syriac Christianity in China].

Thomas, D. (ed.):  Syrian Christians under Islam (Leiden:  Brill).  [Several chapters are of Syriac interest].


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Status: Uncorrected Transformation  
Publication Date: June 28, 2018
Sebastian P. BROCK, "Recent Books on Syriac Topics (1999-2001)." Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 5.1 (2002):.
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