Volume 5 (2002)

Hugoye's New Book Review Editor

George A. Kiraz

[1] It is my pleasure to welcome a new member to the staff of Hugoye. Kristian S. Heal of Brigham Young University accepted an invitation to serve as Hugoye Book Review Editor. The position has thus far been occupied by Dr. Monica Blanchard of The Catholic University of America.

[2] Kristian S. Heal joined the Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious texts at BYU as a Research Associate in 2000. He is the coordinator of the Eastern Christian Digitizing Initiative and Associate Editor of the Eastern Christian Texts series. He received his bachelor's degree in Jewish History and Hebrew from University College, London and continued his education at the University of Oxford where he took a master's degree in Syriac Studies. He is currently undertaking research for his doctoral dissertation at the University of Birmingham. His research is focused on the Syriac exegetical tradition, with a particular emphasis on the figure of the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph (Genesis 37-50) in early Syriac literature. Kristian and his wife Vicki-Bronwen are the parents of five children.

[3] Dr. Monica Blanchard continues to contribute to Beth Mardutho's various projects, especially The Syriac Digital Library project where she acts as the librarian liaison between Beth Mardutho and CUA.

[4] Please join me in welcoming Kristian Heal and thanking Dr. Monica Blanchard.

George A. Kiraz, Ph.D. Hugoye General Editor Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute


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Publication Date: June 28, 2018
, "Hugoye's New Book Review Editor." Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 5.2 (2002):.
open access peer reviewed